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Reed My Lips

Lady Troubles -- Emily Carrington
Lady Troubles

Werewolf's Choice -- Emily Carrington
Werewolf's Choice

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"In my humble opinion, this author has taken the standard, staid, stale, same old shifter/paranormal genre storyline, and turned it into a fantastic, engaging, poignant, awesome, vivid, complex, fascinating, intense, interesting, intriguing, and totally awesome book that I will be rereading over and over again. I would definitely recommend one-clicking this ASAP!"
-- Patricia Nelson, Amazon Reader Review,
Praise for A Pack of His Own (Duet) Vol. 1


Dragons? Genies? Werewolves, vampires, & kelpies?
They’re all here in my LGBTQ SearchLight universe.

Veterinarians? Blind black belts? Painters?
They’re all in my LGBTQ Sticks & Stones universe.

Angst? Darkness? Light? Fluffy?
They’re all in my LGBTQ SearchLight and Sticks & Stones universes.

I’ve been writing since 2011, and I have over 30 stories, some combined in multibook volumes. Please check me out at Changling Press for box sets and single titles. Everything in the two universes is interconnected, but you can pick up any book without knowing the backstory and plunge right in.

In case you’re into chronologies, here are the chronologies for my two universes:

Sticks & Stones:  Heartwood 1: White Oak/Black Mahogany, The Prince and the Painter box set, Heartwood 2: Yew, Heartwood 3: Thorn,

Marisburg Chronicles : Compassion Fatigue, O Christmas Tree, Independence Fatigue, Protecting His Prince

SearchLight: Three Brothers Fair (box set), Dragon in Training, A Pack of His Own, volumes 1-5, Dragon Schooled (box set), Wolf Schooled (3 separate books), Fae Schooled (box set), Lady Troubles (box set), Intimate Moments, Love and the Intern, Love and the Living Tree, Dragon Flux, A Pack of His Own 6, Para Schooled (3 separate books)

Personally, I test all my favorite authors (Suzanne Brockman, Stephen King, Patricia Briggs, etc.) by this: can I jump anywhere into your world and understand what’s going on? If so, cool. If not, next author please. I believe even series books should be stand-alones at their heart.

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